These can be used to cancel and delay both the Fleshpound and the Scrake's rage. Melee hit recovery time is longer than gun hit recovery time. Upon hit, the ZED AI will pause for a certain amount of time, varying between ZEDS to recover from melee hits and gun hits. Gun / Melee hit afflictions are a ZED's reactions to receiving gun or melee damage.

In such case the ZED will only interrupt its stumble animation if it has an opportunity to attack a player, therefore If there are no players nearby, the ZED will not interrupt its stumble animation. The stumble animation can be interrupted if the ZED receives damage. Stuns are followed by wakeup animations.Īpplying Leg Stumble / Stumble to a ZED causes it to enter into "stumble" stance with a stumble animation lasting from 0.5-0.75 seconds. Stun duration is random, varying from 2-4 seconds. Knocked down ZEDs will die instantly if it falls from a height greater than 7.5 meters.Ī stunned ZED will enter into a "sleeping" stance. Only 5 ZEDs are allowed to be in knockdown animation at a time. This time can be extended if a ZED's body is moving at a velocity faster than 1 meter / second. Normal knockdown duration (without recovery animation) is 1.5 seconds. Knockdown is followed by a recovery animation. Whether stacking afflictions will occur will depend on Weapon Power, the ZED's Threshold and Dissipation Rate.Īfflicting a ZED with knockdown will cause it to enter into "ragdoll" mode. Stacking afflictions include following: EMP Panic / EMP Disrupt / Fire Panic / Poison Panic / Microwave Panic. Bonuses increases linearly from 0 to 10, depending on the ZED's remaining health.

Upon losing this bonus the ZED will receive an additional low health bonuses to its base resistances. The success of inflecting an affliction will depend on weapon affliction "power" and the ZED's resistance value to the afflictions.Īll instant afflictions will give a low health bonus to ZEDS. Instant afflictions include, (listed in in-game priority): Knockdown, Stun, Leg Stumble, Stumble, Melee Hit, Gun Hit. There are two forms of afflictions: instant and stacking. Large ZEDs auto rage when there's a low number of specimens left in the round.Īfflictions are the different ways in which a ZED can become immobilized. Small ZEDs now auto rage when there's only one specimen left in the round. Circle strafing around Scrake no longer works.